Audrey Au's profile

Pixpay Workplace - Paris Office Branding

Pixpay Workplace - Paris Office Branding

Location : Paris, France
Year : 2020
Area : ≈ 320 m²
Designer : Deskeo Design Team
Photos credits : Courtesy of Deskeo

Pixpay’s product being an online bank aimed at teenagers, naturally the brand is full of personality & fun !
We wanted to fully transcribe it in the space. Main colors are painted on accent walls & poles while custom made artworks & murals are sprinkled throughout the space. Some particular lounge area & breakout space are highlighted this way with fun graphics, perfect as background to share on social media !

Pixpay Workplace - Paris Office Branding


Pixpay Workplace - Paris Office Branding

Pixpay Office Environmental Branding - Paris, 2020. Graphic Design / Environmental Graphic / Office Design
