Experience designer (student work)
Sep 2018–Apr 2019 (8 months)
For our second year in the Interaction Design program at GBC, we were asked to develop an immersive environment to be showcased at the annual year-end show. The question we aimed to answer was this, "what does it mean to live autonomously?" Throughout the school year, we worked from research, conception, design, and finally to the development of our immersive environment.
We pitched ModPod -- a modular home system to solve the problem of autonomous living in the digital age where factors such as climate change and cost of living are becoming more critical.
ModPod would allow users to construct their home using 'panels' -- durable pieces that could be connected together to create a box-like structure. Each panel would have a different function; including heating, lighting, entertainment, etc. Due to time constraints and the technical abilities of the team, we opted to create the experience in virtual reality as opposed to building the actual structure in the real world. This allowed us to be more fantastical with our idea, while also challenging the team.
Our final virtual reality experience was showcased at the Year-End Show at the College, where participants could partake in building their own ModPod by connecting panels in a virtual space. I along with some of my team members facilitated this showcase, guiding people through the experience.

