The Premise
A formal acquaintance of mine requested a work that included the following: Bambi eating chicken surrounding by blue trees and mountains the background. Time marched from mid-September until late December. I set a deadline to combat procrastination and finalize the work. Here is the timeline of the events leading up to completion.

The above image showcasing the armature controlling a 3D model of Bambi from Playstation 2 video game title "Kingdom Hearts". This took roughly 3 hours within the first week of December.
It's important to acknowledge the youth and innocence that Bambi represented in the original Disney film, so I avoided any unflattering angles that made Bambi appear angry [Above].
This is the render from Blender (3D modelling software). This image served as the base of the entire work.
I added contours to the entire image (or traced if you want to be blunt) using a Gaomon PD1161 Drawing tablet in conjunction with Affinity Designer (providing vertex drawing tool). I exported the outline as a PSD file for Adobe Photoshop Elements 12. Photoshop allowed me to import a JPEG of some chicken a bought, give it a artistic aesthetic, and paint in all the foreground details.
Nathaniel Yannikos. Bambi Eats Fried Chicken. December 2021. Digital Canvas with Photoshop. 1920px by 1080px.
The colors of the previous image, however, felt too saturated. I took the green color channel and reduced its overall saturation.
Bambi Eats Chicken

Bambi Eats Chicken
