Types of Advertising post
Food & Beverages.
FB Poster : CCD limited offer for coffee lover.
In the poster textured background tells story of its shades, smoke effects added to show we serve hot.
Fashion & Beauty : Magazine Post
Gradient effect in background of product color which will gives focus. Added  mirror effect by reducing opacity to look like shadow of bottle.
Product: Chanel Paris Perfume 
Fashion & Beauty: MAC lipstick
Cherries are  added to show shade of lipstick which is shown in mirror.
Three colors taken for the post.
Fashion & Beauty: Lakme Day Cream.
To make focus on product not much element is added. Lines are indirectly compared to cream how it is merging with skin, as product intense whitening cream. 
Corporate Ad Design:
Movie Poster:
Image through text, added the extra text layer to show special effect in the poster.
Newspaper Ad :
Add masking in image and text, applied filter for special effect in background. With help of hue/saturation gave appropriate color for ad.
Advertising Post


Advertising Post
