Generative Live Visuals
Sensory Shock Activation Initiative
A live science fiction themed production incorporating electronic music, generative visuals and experimental 3D audio. The entire show was running real-time with audio-reactive visuals and live controlled custom made for this show and the music.

Everything visual made using Touch Designer and executed through Resolume. Music by  CTRLS

The performance was a collaboration with Troels B-Knudsen / CTRLS, Empire Bio, Ved Siden Af / Another Name, Mikkel Leseberg, Lars Graugaard and Maddalena Cecchini
Our Approach
The performance aimed to create intense and overstimulating visuals while still keeping it sophisticated and mesmerising. The show was divided into 5 main sections of the so-called "shock activation therapy" (Warm-Up, Activation, Attention, Skin and Full Spectrum). We worked with a generative and glitchy universe entirely formed by the live audio input. We explored the creative vision of dystopianism and sensory shocks in both abstract graphical languages and 3D skin-like textures and human prescense.
The Narrative
A not too distant future. The consequences of human presence have made social interaction, and indeed just venturing outside of controlled environments, hazardous. Humanity has been forced to watch from sealed structures as society slowly decays outside.
The condition named Culture Deprivation Syndrome has been detected. It was first observed within the decimated creative communities, but has now been verified in the general populace and, more worryingly, within protected decision-maker circles.
Correct Society System needs creative culture to function. SafeCom Corp was formed to counter the threat of Culture Deprivation Syndrome. It is our functional duty and prime directive. To this end, the SafeCom Corp Cognitive Research Divison has developed a Full Spectrum Input Therapy method that projects vital cultural and emotional content onto a group of carefully selected individuals to optimize suppression of Culture Deprivation Syndrome. It combines Isolation Culture Deprivation Syndrome Reversal Therapy, Rapid Agnostic Visual Exposure and our patented Directional Audio Conditioning technology in an infection-free and fully monitored HyperSafeSpace, which we’ve named The IntimiSphere.
You need Culture. You need Sensory Shock Activation.



Generative audio reactive visuals and visual identity made by Optika for SafeCom
