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The Seeress’s Prophecy

Inspired by The Völuspá (Old Norse: Vǫluspá) a medieval poem of the Poetic Edda, and the volcano, Fagradalsfjall in Iceland.

An excerpt of The Völuspá: The Seeress’s Prophecy, translated by Nick Richardson

"...Fenrir will feast
On the fallen,
Summer sun blackens,
The Great Winter comes.
Eggther of Ironwood
Strums his harp,
While in the ravenwood
Fjalar’s crow wakes giants.
The cock Gullinkambi
Rouses Odin’s Slain
As soot-red Fjalar
Crows under Earth...."

#ViridianMedia #Fagradalsfjall #Völuspá #DigitalArt
The Seeress’s Prophecy

The Seeress’s Prophecy
