Pavilion  MOT
Concept Derived from Tenri Station Plaza CoFuFun, Design by Nendo, located in the southwest region of Japan. This is the base project I am interested to rebuilt with a hint of change in terms of shapes and functional aspects. The conceptual section shows some of the add ons that makes it more accessible and contextual in hot and humid climate.

The shade is inspired by one of the installations by University of Stuttgart [the department of Biobased Materials and Material Cycles in Architecture (BioMat)]. It is called Biocomposites experinemtal Pavilion.

STEP 1 : Selecting a part of a series of Circles              STEP 2 : Exploring multiple form
STEP 3 : Selecting alternative curves & extrude             STEP 4 : Boolean Difference with
                                                                                                          a solid made with curve
STEP 5 : The OAT (with sharp edges)                           STEP 6 : Getting a cross section                                                                                                           by Intersecting plane
STEP 7 : Arrange the curves along the                       STEP 8 : Loft
               Circle with different Heights          
STEP 9 : Trim the extra part with a Plane                  STEP 10 : Drawing Curve for shed
STEP 11 : Loft                                                            STEP 12 : Adding curves to get an                                                                                                           desired form
STEP 13 : Adding curves to create                          STEP 14 : Loft
anchor points with ground
STEP 15 : Paneling Tool                                        STEP 16 : Creating first set of 3d panels
                 (with custom 3d panels)   
STEP 17 : Creating second set of 3d panels               STEP 18 : Complete set of 3d                                                                                                                   panels


Project Made For

