Marigold Premises - Pune
A 160,000 sq. m property, located in the then (1997)  outskirts of the east part of Pune city (Kalyaninagar), fronting the River Banks of the river Mula-Mutha, posed various challenges and opportunity to exploit the imaginative acumen of the designer. The then site, full of wild vegitation,having two small water streams flowing from North  and joining the river to the South was to set unprecendented benchmark in the history of the property development of Pune.
The design brief was to set up a exclusive residentai ldevelopment,but with the onslaught of the software market in Pune, was converted to a mixed use development. The site , rectangular in shape was sliced into two along the longer axis running N-S whihc formed the main spine, Residential development proposed to the East with the commercial development comprising Software Facilities, Shopping and Entertainment facilities to the West.


Mixed Use Development in Pune
