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"Global village" Marshall McLuhan

"We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future.”

If Marshall McLuhan was a rockstar, his legacy would consist of an incredible discography, where he spoke to his generation, as well as the next five. We would talk about his amazingly quotable but often misheard lyrics that affected metal-heads and ravers alike. And we would mention his frequent appearances on television, where people of his profession weren’t generally invited. This last statement would still be true.
In reality, he did all of these things in the 1960’s but with philosophy: describing, predicting, and envisioning the dangers that “current” media consumption trends can lead to.

In both worlds, -imaginary and real, rockstar and philosopher- one of the best interviews he gave was for Playboy.
Audio: NBC’s Experiment in Television episode
Design and animation: me
No seagulls were harmed in the making of this digital collage.
In all seriousness, this is a personal project and I made it out of love for the author, not to infringe copyright laws.
Source of the quote NBC’s Experiment in Television episode
Marshall McLuhan amazing blog, dedicated to his work + wikipedia
Recommendation the Experiment in Television episode + his book, The Medium is The Massage (designed by Quentin Fiore)
In case you're interested in seeing more about the process, visit
"Global village" Marshall McLuhan


"Global village" Marshall McLuhan

A series of visualized quotes from people whose work I admire. You can follow the process along on Instagram @vargergo
