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JIO Art Centre Pitch

Brand: 'Jio Art Centre' by Nita Mukesh Ambani

Brief: A one of a kind Jio Art Centre in the city of Mumbai, India, to be launched. Create Awareness for the centre with a magical feeling. 

Idea: 'Where new finds you' 

We show people that art not only transforms but also opens new, magical worlds to all those who encounter it. 

Demonstrate that we want to and can inspire imagination and creativity, bring to them endless possibilities to be explored and new paths to discover 

Tell them that we are a place where she can experience new emotions, see new things, feel the unexpected 

A place where new finds you. 
Film Script Narrative:

We deploy a series of films, each telling the story of a person’s experience at the NMACC and the “new” discovery that they take back with them.

Film #1
We are introduced to a young college student who is a know-it-all art enthusiast. We see him reading up on art, watching video essays online, documentaries on OTTs. He notices in his class that a bunch of students are talking about the Monet display at the NMACC. To show-off, he corrects them with certain facts about Monet and how he’s well read and well-versed with Monet paintings. Instantly, he’s dismissive of the hype. On their way to the Monet art exhibition, the know-it-all again cannot stop talking about everything he knows about Monet, that he’s learnt from the internet, from documentary films, from books and magazines, etc. But when the group finally reach the exhibition, the know-it-all is rendered speechless at the sight of Monet’s painting in the flesh, right before his eyes.
End VO and super: <NMACC> Where speechlessness finds you. Where new finds you.

Film #2
The film opens on a young woman. She is at home reading the paper, she sees the ad of the Lion King Musical in the paper. She ignores it. We cut to another scene, where she’s texting her friends on a chat group. They mention about the LK Musical and how spectacular it will be. She instantly dismisses the idea, as she’s seen all the films, even the remake. And she chats about why there isn’t a need to bring Lion King back. In spite of being dismissive, her friends book the ticket to LK for her too. We then cut to her entering the NMAAC. She is watching the ‘Circle of Life’ live at the 2000 seater auditorium. She is in awe of the performance. Her expressions giving away how captivated she is by the performance. The actors bow out, the curtains come down and the crowd leaves but the woman remains seated at her seat, absorbing the amazement she feels. Her friends are also now leaving asking her to get up and get going too. Finally, she looks around, about to get up, and sees a little girl also sitting alone in the now empty theatre, mirroring her own feeling of amazement. The two share a knowing look.
End VO and super: <NMACC> Where childlike wonder finds you. Where new finds you. (OR Where mutual admiration finds you. Where new finds you.)

Film #3
We see a married couple on their way to a Zakir Hussain concert at the NMACC. The husband keeps telling the wife on their way to the concert that he’d rather they stayed home and watched netflix, or went on a fancy dinner, and that “this Zakir Hussain” scene is not their cup of tea. Though once they’re at the concert, he falls in love with the experience - tapping his hands and feet to the beats, getting goosebumps and sitting at the edge of his seat. At the end, he tells his wife he’s glad they planned this night out.
End VO and super: <NMACC> Where new experiences/joys find you. Where new finds you.

Disclaimer: The same 3 films can be stitched into one brand film too.

Billboard launch poster
Juxtaposing iconic art characters into an iconic location of the city (Marine Drive, Mumbai) to announce the arrival of the art centre in the city.
Contexual Memes using famous Art 
Making a contextual meme to the topic of Corona using the famous paintings of Indian Artist Raja Ravi Verma. 
Raja Ravi Verma's work has found itself trickling into popular culture in the Indian subcontinent; hence using his work was also topical and relevant when speaking to a young audience in the context of art.
Making a contextual meme to the topic of Corona using the famous paintings of Norwegian Expressionist artist Edvard Munch. 'The Scream' painting has seen itself in popular culture and hence its usage was also topical and relevant when speaking to a young audience in the context of art.
'FESTIVAL OF INDIA' an intellectual property the JIO Art Centre wanted to promote and create an identity for in order to sell under its name different Indian forms of art over a 3 day extravaganza.
Film Script Narratives for 'Festival of India':

The film opens with a close up shot of a dancer tying ghungroo on her feet backstage. 
The camera gradually pans up to reveal that the dancer is dressed in a ballet costume.
The last shot of the film is of the dancer standing up and doing a little ballet twirl to move into the stage as her ghungroo chimes.
End Supers: Come, see India through a new lense. A 3 Day Extravaganza presented by NMAAC.

In the first shot, we see an actor/performer rehearsing lines in the wings of the stage, where his director comes and pats his shoulder to say “Good luck, kill it! We’ll get drinks after the show.”
The actor smiles at his director, then bows down to touch his feet and take his blessing before heading into the stage when his character is prompted.
End Supers: Come, see India through a new lense. A 3 Day Extravaganza presented by NMAAC.
JIO Art Centre Pitch


JIO Art Centre Pitch
