AR projects for different clients.
It started as a hobby, just wanted to have fun testing crazy ideas but in some point it turned real, and I got serious proposals to make filters.

Here are some of them:​​​​​​​
Mexican celebration day. The idea was to honor Dia de Muertos for a Mexican franchise and get it viral within the employees.
I used a 3D technique, integrating a 3D Skull with a rotating jaw so people could talk or laugh and the skull will imitate their movement.
This filter effect was made so the cartoon character would imitate the face movement and the face gestures like mouth and eyes blink.

After separating each moveable part, I got everything in Spark AR and made a rig between the parts with the head. The mouth was linked with the mouth openess and the eyes were scaled to 5% every time the user blinked.
IG Filters

IG Filters


Creative Fields