No.93 Community Design and Building

No.93 Community Design and Building丨社区设计与营造

The meaning of the term “community” is a group of people gathered together based on a common lifestyle, culture, and interest. Community sometimes could be invisible, but it is closely connected to people’s daily life. It is the presentation of their lifestyles and also a kind of identity representation. However, the existence and importance of “community” in real life have been gradually forgotten and ignored. In cities, Internet social and busy working life have estranged neighbors, and the “community” has become nothing more than a common living area. In rural areas, as the outflow of the population is “hollowing” villages, the once lively and active village tribes are no longer vigorous, and villages full of local characteristic culture are gradually being overwhelmed by modern civilization and urban culture.

Community design and building is to activate a community and to create unique social values through design and art. It is to re-awaken and strengthen the collective cohesion between residents, and to think about how life should be together with the residents. The needs of modern people for community life can no longer be satisfied by mere public space and architectural design, nor is merely making nice public areas for residential places enough to keep a community alive. What community design and building needs to do is to increase the diversity and uniqueness of community life, constructing a way of life that people yearn for. Such construction is done from the bottom up with the residents as the foundation and should have its own individuality due to differences in regional culture. Therefore, community design and building emphasizes the subjectivity and locality of residents, which means that residents must have sufficient participation and voice in it. On the other hand, designers should design and create local communities based on differences in culture and living habits in the area to create a unique neighborhood charm. This kind of community design can develop a sense of identity and belonging in residents, stimulate their autonomy and subjectivity in future community building activities, and allow the community to operate and develop everlastingly.


45° Lab實驗場

Images form SHIBAURA HOUSE,Shajing Ancient Fair,aranya,Great South Slope Plan,Yiiie,AGUA Design,Acts and Pathways,MUME DESIGN
90° Trail 行跡丨Design in Greece
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180° Feature 專題丨Community Design and Building丨社区设计与营造

# Community Design and Building — Activate Community by Design

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# Community Design and Building — Design Action

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225° The Communication of Risograpy Culture | Riso文化全球流行時

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270° Designer’ Self-initiated Project | 設計師的自主項目

Publication Info

Chief Editor & Design Director: Joshua Wang
主編及設計總監:Joshua Wang
Associate Chief Editor: Hyde Ou
Editorial Consultants: Xiao Yong / Chen Nan / Jiang Hua / Hei Yiyang
編輯顧問:肖勇 / 陳楠 / 蔣華 / 黑一烊
Design Assistants: Nan / Human Mar 
設計助理:董南逸 / 麥曉雯 
Coordinator & Flowcharting: Yuer Bi
Editors: Lauren Luo / Yuer Bi / Xintong Lun / Naomi Chen
編輯:羅咏詩 / 畢玉兒 / 倫欣彤 / 陳欣琪
Sales Assistant:Xiuwen Ren


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No.93 Community Design and Building