Mr. E's profile

The Mr.E's Story

The Original and first purple Mr.E, with the other plushies created after that.
Improved Mr.E Design.
Mr.E purple on the logo.
Mr.E made it's appearence after its creator suffered from a big depression and felt alone.
 december 15th of the first year they where living together she decided to tell him that she was going away, moving back to her apartment in another city and that she was taking the baby with her. 
Feeling alone and sad, he began doodling and drawing characters. A character that resulted out of a big rectangle with rounded corners and four slim rectangles as tips gave birth to Mr.E. What about the face, wich mood would it have, the designer was having many mixed feelings that had trouble deciding wich mood the character would have.
Then decided to try and elaborate a plush and being a graphic designer student had some leftover material to work with, he found a piece of felt, purple felt, the only piece left, and a little square of foamy, found a needle and thread to put together the plush, cut the pieces and began sewing, stuffed it with synthetic fiber out of a cushion and left a thread so he could hang the plush on his back pack, on his keychain or wherever he wanted. The plush was done.
He took a sharpie and drew his expresion, an x would be his expresion, an expression that showed how he was trying to hold it together not to snap and endure everything that he was going trough. Draw a little circle as a mouth.
But then he realized that drawing and cutting, sewing and creating eased his pain and sorrow. He now had a partner. 
But then tought what if i'm happy, i already drew on his face.
He fell asleep.
When he woke up he remembered dreaming about his son, all the faces he did, when he smiled, when he was sad, the first expression on his face when he heard the sound of a drill (the neighbor was drilling something), when he cried, when he analized everything around him, and then it hit him. Investigated a little and saw that all the plushes that he saw had already a mood, an expression, none of them allowed the owner to change it, so he decided that it could be more interesting to allow the plush to change moods, ofcourse he didn't have more felt to work with so he took a sheet of sticker and printed several expressions so he could put them on his face and have the chance of changing his expression wheneaver he was feeling sad, happy or doubious. After that, draw a series of squared expressions and printed them on a sheet of  sticker paper to the size of the face. Attention began to draw by his classmates to his plush that everytime had a different expression. He then tried doing more plushies, and to some he draw an expression and to others he put a sticker on. 
This helped him endure the absence of his son, to whom he had the oportunity to visit from time to time on his mother apartment.
After a few years friends started asking him to do a plush for them. He then made plushes to give as a present to his closest friends on an important celebration like a birthday, but now they had a personality, like if it was for a birthday gift they would have a party hat with colors, if it was for a graduation gift it would be dressed for graduation and had a mortar board. Then many started asking him to sell them, by that time he had problems with his son's mother because even do when she left home for the first time said that she would never ask him for money or anything because she was leaving on her free will and they where not married (and ofcourse that he on the manner of his posibilities because he didn't have a job, provided his son with milk and clothes when he could)  she began asking for money or else she wouldn't allow him to see him (wich made him furious because was using his son to get money) so decided to sell the plushies with different personalities to collect money and give to the mother of his son to cover part of his son's school expenses so she could allow him to see him (and to this day he sells them with that purpose).
Since  the plush could have many expressions he decided that it's name would be Mr.E (shorted because Expression was too long). Designed a packaging, and a graphic image for the plushies, the logo since the purple Mr.E was his first companion had to be on the logo, and being able to do a Mr.E of any color, he added the color spots on the logo representing them.
The Mr.E's Story

The Mr.E's Story

Mr.E made it's appearence after its creator suffered from a big depression and felt alone. He got his girlfriend pregnant and for the sake of the Read More


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