One space, four scenes. This project is about creating a whimsical world for the owner and his daughter. We hope to break out of the traditional residential style and design thinking, and give each space an abstract theme. The inspiration for the ceiling of the open public space comes from the crisscrossing light speed motorway in Tron: Legacy’s future city. We used aluminum extruded light strips to render, connect, and extend the entire public space. This creates a fashionable futuristic atmosphere. The inspiration for the master bedroom comes from James Bond’s wild professionalism in 007: Quantum of Solace, which matches the master of the house’s life taste and work pattern. For the daughter’s room, we used her favorite color as the theme, pure white. For the design, we referenced the white space in the movie Glass. We used pure white painted glass and embedded light strips to make divisions and create an avant-garde feel. The study and tea rooms follow the heroism and pride from the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Ink landscapes of waters and clouds adore the room. This space is perfect for storing poems and books, collecting antiques, and talk business while drinking tea. Who says a residence needs to have a uniform style? Try to give space a bold imagination and maybe life will be more exciting!
                           23 Design inc. / 私人住宅 Residential / Taiwan Taoyuan 2019


