Karol Jan Romanowski's profile

BAU konstruktywne meble - brand identity

BAU - konstruktywne meble

To create an identity and a name for a family business designing bespoke furniture as well as:
- to understand reservations and needs of the client connected to planned renovation work;
- to  support the client in making the right choices;
- to  minimise miscommunication and associated stress;
- to  make the client aware of the reasons behind a long design process.

The workshop carried out with the client showed that consumers had a problem understanding the process of processing and completing an order, understanding industry names as well as making a decision. Based on the results of the workshop, the identity has been created in which:
- The name "BAU - constructive furniture" relates to the functionality of designed solutions (a Bauhaus concept).
- The horizontal line coming out of the logo is a timeline - it serves to identify significant stages of work.
- The meaning of three colours: navy blue - assigned to BAU, fuchsia - assigned to client, and the merge of the two - black - symbolises collaboration and mutual decisions.
- The booklet “The process of working with a client” explains stages of collaboration in a very clear manner, a necessary timeline and scope of work of each involved in the project.


BAU konstruktywne meble - brand identity

BAU konstruktywne meble - brand identity
