CF Napa Brand Design's profile

Groth Vineyards & Winery Packaging Design & Logo

CF Napa Refreshes a Napa Valley Classic
A pioneer in the Napa Valley for 40 years, the Groth family helped Oakville gain fame as one of the world’s preeminent wine regions. The family tasked CF Napa with refining their brand strategy, logo and packaging for the future without losing touch with their brand equities.

The Estate White Wine was a classic interpretation of Groth’s well-known package design, complete with their pen and ink illustration of the winery and linen-textured paper. The adherence to a more familiar label structure acted as a reminder of the winery’s history of prominence in Oakville. The limited copy and blind emboss of the icon gave the bottle a more premium feel.
Oakcross and Neighbors Series leveraged their updated equity elements to create fresh new packaging for Groth. Oakcross prominently featured their winery illustration of the Groth mission among its famed vineyards in a bold new label design emblazoned with the reimagined gold-foiled GG icon.
The Neighbors Series honored Groth’s grower partners and fellow advocates for the Oakville region through a classic yet sleek new label with a blind embossed GG icon; creating a bold statement both visually and texturally.
Drink With Your Eyes®
Groth Vineyards & Winery Packaging Design & Logo

Groth Vineyards & Winery Packaging Design & Logo
