Mandy Hoover's profile

Got the Morbs Exhibition

Got the Morbs
Got the Morbs is a museum exhibition project that focuses on the outdated medical treatments once used in Victorian society in a humorous yet-educational way. I wanted to focus on bringing humor into a typically dark topic.
Brand Identity
Exterior Graphic
I envisioned the exterior graphic to be on a wall. In this instance, the wall is grimy which matches the dark theme of the graveyard scene. The cartoony style and the weird ways that people died lighten the mood to reveal the overall tone of the exhibition and appeal to those with a dark sense of humor. The viewer would be walking through this graveyard of people who died from their weird treatments and insignificant injuries. 
Interior Walls
For the interior graphics, I chose to highlight one of the most iconic figures of Victorian medicine, the Plague Doctor. The mascot of this exhibit is a plague doctor named Howard who would "guide" viewers from wall to wall and give information on each part of the exhibition. All graphics were created in Adobe Illustrator.  

The first wall is completely dedicated to plague doctors and who they were. It would be the first wall that patrons would see when coming into the exhibition. The detailed illustration is not mine, but it is a free image that I edited to match the theme of the exhibition. 
The second wall is an apothecary wall that is illustrated in full by me. Each element was created in Adobe Illustrator and placed intentionally within the composition. Each drug that is highlighted is a real drug that we know is harmful today or just odd, but was seen as common medicine during these times. This wall was a challenge as I never have done much environmental or furniture design. Making the dimension in the walls and shelf took a lot of trial and error before I was happy with the overall look. 
Supplemental Material
For the supplemental material in this project, I chose to design a "prescription" that could be handed out to patrons who come to this exhibition. Each envelope would contain one of four different kinds of treatment that would correspond to the same treatments highlighted on the Apothecary wall. These handouts would have my illustration on the front and would go into more detail about each drug on the backside. They would contain more info than the wall would and could encourage patrons to come back and collect them all. This was my favorite part of this project as I was able to print out my designs onto something that was fun and practical for the exhibition. I was very pleased with the overall design despite the difficulties I had trying to find the right paper choices and construction. 
Got the Morbs Exhibition


Got the Morbs Exhibition
