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Full Service Digital Marketing and Creative Case Study

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Overview of The Brand
As the largest service provider focused on parking lot management in the U.S., Rose Paving has cultivated a reputation for going above and beyond to deliver excellent and lasting results. Over 45 years of service and large-scale company growth has made Rose Paving a strong, sustainable nationwide company, but growth can also cause inconsistencies and gaps in the overall brand strategy.

Digital Marketing Partnership With VisualFizz
When Rose Paving connected with VisualFizz in 2018, the Asphalt and Paving company needed to revamp its digital presence. After expanding nationwide in 2002, Rose has experienced consistent sales growth, and as a result, an ever-increasing demand for streamlining and improving their digital interactions with the customer. But the rapid expansion had left Rose Paving without cohesive brand representation across the web. With so many locations across the U.S. and customers in such drastically different demographics, Rose Paving needed VisualFizz to streamline the paving company’s digital marketing processes to better serve its clients.

Website Development For Award-Winning Paving Company
VisualFizz began its partnership with Rose Paving with large scale web development and technical changes, which included sunsetting the website’s integration with the CRM Hubspot and WordPress Multisite, neither of which were fulfilling Rose Paving’s enterprise-level needs. Currently, VisualFizz is tasked with assisting Rose Paving in onboarding Microsoft Dynamics and WordPress Single Site setup with a goal of drastically improving user experience. Within 1 year of these large-scale technical changes, the Rose Paving website saw a 25 percent improvement to Site Speed and a 27 percent improvement to Average Time on Site.
Email Marketing and Communications

In addition to a cleaner, faster, and better-performing website,  Rose Paving also needed to stay connected to and support its sprawling staff and client base directly and effectively. VisualFizz created a custom Email Marketing strategy for both internal staff across the country and for B2B customers, ensuring consistent performance across a multitude of locations and service providers.

The Rose Review
This monthly e-newsletter connects staff at 10 locations in the U.S. and Canada through company news, including: messages and leadership tips from Corporate, office updates, Asphalt and Paving project highlights, and philanthropic efforts. 

PPC Advertising
VisualFizz has significant experience working with variable PPC budget amounts to implement a cost-effective bidding strategy that maximizes returns.
Year over Year, form submission increased by 263 percent. 

Organic Social Media Marketing
VisualFizz’s branding efforts didn’t stop there. After applying congruent brand strategies to Rose Paving’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, the brand’s traffic from social media channels increased by a whopping 32.44 percent in the same period. 

Search Engine Optimization
Rose Paving’s brand presence continues to grow due to VisualFizz’s diligent and consistent SEO tactics, including a customized mix of local and technical SEO strategies.  VisualFizz employs a white hat SEO techniques and content strategies for sustainable, long term SEO success.

The Result?
Increased social media traffic by 32.44%, improved sales from targeted email campaigns and original blog content and upgraded WordPress development to grow average session duration by 27.4%. As partners, VisualFizz and Rose Paving were able to preserve the company image while communicating more effectively with their customers as well as internally between different locations.

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Full Service Digital Marketing and Creative Case Study

Full Service Digital Marketing and Creative Case Study
