Mr. Han, the organic farm expert who quit his job in Beijing to help grow food and raise organic pigs as a self-sustaining farm that houses and feeds 20-30 disabled residents. Sichuan Province.
A volunteer staff worker cleans a disabled resident's feet. Many of the residents here would be living on the streets if it were not for the love of the staff members. Sichuan Province
A disabled resident in a self-sustaining greenhouse pauses his work to smile at the camera
A woman smiles at the camera as she sits in front of her food products. This was taken on a bridge that was destroyed by the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan Province.
This man was really excited to show off his meat products. Sichuan Province.
A mother drives with the family on a small scooter in Sichuan Province
A lady in a remote village stops to pose for the camera
As this man was walking by us, he turned around to get a second look at the foreigners
A statue reinactment of the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan Province. Thankfully, nobody was hurt at this primary school
Self-sustaining greenhouse that houses 40-50 disabled residents. Each of them are fed 3 times a day with the food the greenhouse produces and are loved on 24-7.
2 staff members talk business in a self-sustaining greenhouse that houses 40-50 disabled residents
A rickshaw driver on the streets of Wenzhou
Children of the staff workers "hanging out"
2 women trying to avoid the rain in a market in Chengdu
A woman braving the rain to get the shot. Chengdu
A tourist stops to catch some sun rays. Chengdu
A panda feeds on bamboo. Chengdu
A panda hangs out in a tree in a zoo in Chengdu
A red panda in a zoo in Chengdu
A child is curious about a statue in downtown Chengdu


This project was to document the work in 2 provinces in China that have self-sustaining farms and greenhouses that house 40-50 disabled residents Read More
