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"Good Grain" Bread packaging: Student Goldpack 2013

Whilst doing research into why people eat and enjoy bread, I mostly came across reasons why people avoid bread. These reasons were mainly because of health concerns associated with bread. A large percentage of the population has proved to be sensitive to gluten, but according to recent news articles, at least one in thirty people are affected by celiac disease – the inability to digest gluten. Many popular nutritionists and doctors blame the consumption of grains for our modern deficiency diseases. Health conscious eaters have cut grain from their diets and claim to feel much more stable in their health since the radical change.
     However, Dr. Weston Price (1870 - 1948) studied several societies that enjoyed remarkable health even though they consumed grains as a primary foodstuff. How can the same food be considered as the staff of life at one time, and partially poisonous in another time? It turns out that our ancestors prepared their grains differently. The grain was soaked and sprouted, milled with a stone grinder and then fermented with sourdough starter. Today, this ancient recipe for bread making is only found and mastered in health conscious eaters’ kitchens, even though it is a time consuming process. This method not only seems to completely break down and digest the gluten, but also neutralises enzyme inhibitors such as phytic acid which interfere with digestion and the absorption of nutrients. This means that even gluten intolerant (celiac disease) sufferers can enjoy this bread in moderation without experiencing any side effects.    
     Because there is nothing like this on the market in South Africa, I decided to create a commercial brand for real food eaters, celiac disease sufferers and people who avoid bread in general because of its health risks and unpredictable effects on the body. 
The visual language is clean and straightforward and has nothing to hide, just like its contents. The packaging materials were chosen to show the bread without interfering with the graphics, conveying a message of a clean, uncomplicated product.

The upper part of the flexible bag is made from cinnamon wax paper – a fairly new invention specially designed to prolong the life of bread and control breathability. The bottom of the bread bag is made from recyclable plastic to retain a good amount of moisture, without encouraging mold growth. A recyclable bag suits my target audience perfectly, as they are also known for their environmental awareness.
3D Render : Front and side view of Family Size packaging
3D Render : Back view of Family Size & Half Loaf packaging
Good Grain product range
Flat design : Family Size loaf
Flat design : Half loaf
Store display
Store display : detail
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"Good Grain" Bread packaging: Student Goldpack 2013

"Good Grain" Bread packaging: Student Goldpack 2013

The product is an additive and preservative free bread, traditionally made with sprouted stone ground flour and sourdough. The packaging reflects Read More
