Daniel Birch's profile

Tether admin panel

Property manager admin portal
Company Profile
Tether was built to monitor, manage and enable the healthiness of indoor living environments, such as property management companies, state housing, schools, landlords, and tenants' real-time information on the performance of their respective buildings and the potential health risks experienced by its occupants.

My role
i provided User interviews, Competitor analysis, User testing, Prototyping, UI design, and UX strategy through my agency UserXD.co
Problem statement
Tether did not have an easy way for managers to add, setup and monitor their properties. They needed a clear dashboard to setup and view property measures information.
Residential property owners
Residential property managers or companies
Housing organisations

They need the ability to add a property to their dashboards and to then view the data. This data is then shared with the house occupier if needed.

Adding a properties will allow managers to view data on them. Being able to view key statistics on each property will help know what needs to be done to each.

Using the double diamond approach I first went into a discovery stage to understand the users and their pain points, I then started to define a tested solution to develop and deliver.
I started by looking at competitors in the same space with similar products to learn from. These helped us understand our user journeys. 
User flows and use cases
I spoke in detail with the Tether team to understand who needed to use the product and what features mattered to who. High level and detailed user flows were used to plan out the experience with feedback from the product team. Information hierarchy was organised based on user goals.
Wire Frames
I created fidelity wire frames to plan the design and built this into working prototypes to walk through with the team. Low fidelity wire frames brought the user flows to life and were then used to create a prototype for testing.
User Testing
I took 3 of the target users through the prototype to further validate the designs. You can see below how I mapped out the feedback and then create themes based on that to inform the design amends. Each session is recorded and shared with the team.
High fidelity wireframes and prototypes
Once we had feedback from our target users we amended the designs and created the the high fidelity look and feel. This was supported by brand guidelines from Tether but involved lots of new design assets to be created for the dashboards. I did further user testing to finalise our designs for development.
Development and handover
I had successfully put the idea through each stage of our design process so that is was tested, proven and ready for development. I then created hand over files for Tethers developers with working prototypes and user flows to show how the experience pins together.
Tether admin panel


Tether admin panel


Creative Fields