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Metallic watercolor on black paper

Metallic watercolor on black paper series 
Painting to the left                                                                      

A screaming planet                                                       

The spirit of the water, standing forced and confident like a stature. It talks to us day by day, but humans don’t listen. We dont understand. 
The trees are dying. The bleeding trees, like a hurricane leaking out in space. Mother Earth is screaming out loud. I can hear feel her pain. Can you?

Painting to the right

Faces behind 

We all have our different patterns, different shades. There is no such ‚one identity‘, behind we all have many personality’s ruling our live day by day. Agreed,  we may have a dominant personality. We think: This is me, and that’s my character but instead you have so many! Its all us. The funny one, the loving one, the calming one. And after all.. the judging one, the angry one. The voice inside us screaming from our back, whispering their darkest lusts. 
But if you take a closer look, still, everything connects. Our consciousness  (face one the right), watching out for us, carrying our objects of identity ( that my be clothes, a hobby. Everything we define ourselves with). They end up in the river of wisdom, the water connecting with the tree of live, our higher self. 
Egyptian Myths 

The power is within us
The source is right there. It’s inside of you. Your hands, the portals of transformation. 
Our ancients knew the secrets of the universe. They worked with their laws. Yet we unlearned their knowledge of wisdom. Some of us deep inside may still feel the spark in the dark, the whisper of nature. A function of imagination as is empathy. It is magical thinking. 
Painting to the left                                                                       

Life and death                                                                   

"Life and death are Illusions.                                              
We are in constant state of transformation. "               

- Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu   

 Painting to the right 

Women warriors 

"They tried to bury us, 
 they didn't know we were the seeds."

  Mexican Proverb
A world beyond 

It tooks her to the other world. A world with more peace and harmony. The other dimension, the dimension is a sign of perfection. 
It was only a matter of time, she got back to her utter consciousness. Where she lay at the wet grass.  Listening to the sound of the rain drops. And just how her own mind tricked her. Just like the whole world. 

Painting to the left                                                                

Oh, Sirena, Sirena                                          

Crystal clear. Deep blue water.                                      
Sweet little mermaid. Its cold outside.                           
Yet she is diving from dimension to dimension.            
Mother Earth watching over her.       

Painting to the right 
Timeless spiral 

From the center of the heart’s sun, the eye sees. It embraces my life and draws its adventure into its forward and non-hazardous spiral. Guiding me and showing me the path, so the friendship of our differences flourish and nourish from our coated feet, the petal of life, ephemere, there we play, in the timeless spiral, reflection of the spirit that sleeps and whose eyes sees. We are, my friend. 
The source 

The source of creation is within you. You can be just a piece of flesh, or you can be the Creator himself - this is the choice and potential you have.
- Jaggie Vasudev
The wild feminine 

"Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity , and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is .. an endangered species."

Women Who Run with the Wolves 

The war of the worlds 

We are living in parallel worlds. There is at one side :
  The natural world, full of animals, plants, and magical beings. Some humans don't see the world how it really is. We unlearned to perceive these beings. Yet they are living on this planet, hidden from us, in secret places. 

On the other side :
 The industrial civilisation is taken over the planet.  Artificial parks & our so called 'gardens' from human kind. Infrastructure. Agriculture (mostly Monocultur). All this leads to pollution and Destruction of the planet. The natural world is in danger. 
Metallic watercolor on black paper

Metallic watercolor on black paper


Creative Fields