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Animation and Motion Graphics for E-Learning

Animation and Motion Graphics for E-Learning
March - December 2020

This was an 8-course B2B e-learning project, designed to teach representatives of multiple international businesses about the topic of water stewardship. The project was commissioned by the Alliance for Water Stewardship, with the target audience being AWS Members. This was was part of a joint venture with 8Bit Agency who was creating multiple online tools for the client, as well as the LMS that hosts these courses.

Each course was split into 3 20-minute video segments, initially mapped out with the client as a rough storyboard animatic and using Adobe After Effects to develop the final product with the client providing voice-over.

Building on an Existing Brand
Design choices and developing consistent assets

An important part of this project was cutting down on the need to create bespoke animations for each course. The nature of the subject matter helped immensely, with the opportunities for re-using graphics becoming apparent very early on. The client had recently undergone a light brand renovation, which constituted a design overhall of their website and a number of their official public-facing documents. It was important that any repetitive-use graphics stayed true to their new image.

One such document features large block colours and clean iconography. The baseline set in the Standard was a great jumping off point for including such block colours and clean SVG icons in the videos.

Simplifying Complexity Through Animation
Designing a visual counterpart to help students remember, understand, and learn

Like any e-learning project, the end result is an educational tool and the visuals have to help achieve that status. My visual inspiration for this project was the 2005 Sci-Fi movie, 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'. More specifically, the cutaways to the animated guide book. If I could achieve a visual that resembles the same sentiment and keep the budget client-friendly, I'd be a happy man with a happy client!

I feel like the final result was pretty close to what I was aiming for: to-the-point animations that aid visual learning while keeping a lighthearted approach to the source material.

Animation and Motion Graphics for E-Learning

Animation and Motion Graphics for E-Learning

An E-Learning project for the Alliance for Water Stewardship, for large companies to inform on, monitor, and maintain their impact on their local Read More
