Master-Design Studio Project - UIBK
taught by: Jose Corlos Lopez Cervantes

The project was designed for the "Garbage City" in Manshiyat Naser, Cairo. The entire area is filled with semi-finished buildings based on the Dom-Ino typology of Le Corbusier. It is like a living organism that grows up one-dimensionally when more space is needed. Nevertheless, there are a lot of infrastructural and ecological problems.
To solve this, I proposed to introduce further typologies into the scene. I merged the Dom-Ino type with Claude Parent's "L'architecture d'oblique" type and used both types to create something like a gothic church type. But the problem with a Gothic church type is that it is a two-dimensional growth, and I wanted something that grows in every direction, three-dimensional. So I created a structure that grows three-dimensionally and connects to the neighboring buildings at some points. The main idea was to create a structure that connects the whole city, opens new infrastructural possibilities and preserves/reveals new areas.


