Brett Bennett's profile

Composing with Glyphs

Final Compositions: Composing with Glyphs
(LEFT) Glyph composition using Neue Haas Grotesk typeface.  Glyphs used: BgLmb608
(RIGHT) Glyph composition using Stempel Garamond typeface.  Glyphs used: WlijA4o
This project is called “Composing with Glyphs” and is exactly what the title implies; an opportunity to use design principles and creativity to produce two unique compositions using glyphs (letters and numbers). The project provided a means of studying, and understanding two distinct typefaces, one san serif and one serif, in a way that allows one to understand the differences, and apply them in creative ways.  Each of the two compositions were to be created using one of two typefaces; Neue Haas Grotesk and  Stempel Garamond. It was limited by a specific number (5-8) of glyphs (letters and numbers), in two shades (white and black).
Neue Haas Grotesk Final Composition: Composing with Glyphs
Stempel Garamond Final Composition: Composing with Glyphs
Process Review: Composing with Glyphs
Sketching Process
Variation / Visual Experiment Process
Variations / visual experiments with highlighted personal favorites for review
Composing with Glyphs

Composing with Glyphs
