The Funnel - Monograph
The Funnel, a monograph superimposed on an abandoned plaza, located in the Flaminio district, situated on the outskirts of Rome. This project attempts to coalesce and synthesize an existing space, consequential to uneven urban growth, by creating the focal point of a plaza.
The funnel is a modern and dynamic space, inside the walls of a now, defunct area. In relation to one of the most recent initiatives in addressing the disparity between the city centre of Rome and its peripheral areas, a number of warehouses (emergent from former military industrial bases) would be transformed into a multi-faceted, multi-functional social hub. This would agglutinate the district of Flaminio.
During the execution of realizing this scheme, the proposal would create minimum impact on the site and provide key programmatic elements, by fitting them into an elevated box, in the result of enhancing the potential of becoming a new city centre, offering the potentiality of creating an iconic reaction in contrast to the post-industrial area. At the same time, optimizing the use of surrounding views.
In reference to the street grids that enclose the MAXXI museum, the box proposal would connect the broken urban fabric by the use of escalators. The project is a comprehensive proposal of a multi-functional plaza. rather than a collection of refurbished buildings (as seen in previous competition proposals), it is a sequence of informal and formal meeting areas, linked by the aforementioned escalators where people can flow in and out.
The street level of the military barracks, the central point of the project, would have direct access to the “box” through elevators and escalators inside one of the three refurbished historic buildings. coherently, public areas for large crowds would be oriented toward the very end of the barracks, which serves as a space for concerts and other festivities. the roofed areas become more residentially driven programs, such as food markets and coffee shops. 

The Funnel - Monograph

The Funnel - Monograph
