Street Photography                                                                            Downtown Ottawa

Averi Cummings
Lots of people are awake early, those getting ready for work, early risers, or just those who can’t sleep after the suns up. Some people head out in the morning to go to their jobs, some people to go shopping, everyone has their reasons and I wanted to see that. Sean Trucker has been an inspiration to me, especially after moving to a bigger city. The way he edits his work had an influence one me due to their contrast and colour saturation. Although I was hoping it would be less cloudy and have harsh lighting, I was very happy with the images I produced. I’m fascinated by the idea that I am in this big city surrounded by people that are all living their own lives. In the first image, the kid with the longboard took a haul of his vape before resting his long board against the wall and pushing a button that eventually opened the door. He was waiting outside The Bay’s customer pick up door. I like to think that through street photography I am taking pictures of mysteries, I don’t know these people or why they’re doing what they’re doing but by taking photographs, I can infer and make up stories through the little information caught in the images. In the last image, the man who was smoking was pacing back and forth outside the store. I didn’t see if the stores was closed or not but he looked rather impatient. Through my point of view, I can imagine he was waiting for the store to open to buy something that he needed urgently. This may have made him stressed or maybe the cold was getting to him so he lit a cigarette and paced.  The fact that I could be completely wrong excites me, there are so many unknown events that take part in everyones lives and I enjoy that we all get our own ideas and thoughts of what could be taking place. That is why I chose street photography.
Morning People

Project Made For

Morning People
