Face Mask
I believe a face mask is good advertising for the cause because it is now considered important wear. Maybe someone would ask the person wearing it “What is it for?” and then they could explain it is for a cause to help kids get adopted and maybe that person will spread the information too!

Hard cover case for laptop

The laptop case can be for everyone but maybe for a child who found a home or a parent who found a kid from my organization. It can be a way for them to remember but a way for them to keep spreading the word about how they found someone they love.

Who doesn’t love a casual sweater? 
Why not one that is showing a logo for an important cause. People love sweaters, maybe the sweater can grab someone's attention and they ask “Hey what is does that logo mean?” And it could be explained that it comes from an app to help families find a child or help a child find a forever home. I believe it is a good way to get the name out there and possibly help a family find a way to adopt a child.

Event Swag

Event Swag
