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Dormitory In Besiktas


 Fourth Year Project Turkey, Istanbul, Besiktas region

Bahcesehir University 
Instructed by Asst. Prof. Belinda Torus

The site is located in Besiktas region in the heart of Istanbul, known as Besiktas Pazar. Faced by the row apartment buildings on the southern side in Muradiye street, in the western side it is adjacent to a squatter settlement, this settlement seams as continuity of the site. The area is approximately 9500m2 with a level difference exceeding 25 meters. It is located is in the middle of three different regions, Besiktas, Fulya and Tesvikiye. the main façade of the site is on Nuzetiye street which is considered as one of the most active streets of Besiktas, having cafes and markets where people from all parts of Istanbul meet. Even though the two lively neighborhoods of Besiktas and Tesvikiye are next to one and other, the pedestrian connection between them is weak due to the steep topography. A public library was chosen as a public function. The site Sits on a steep piece of land with a hill surrounding it giving the impression of a valley. Due to the high density of built environment around the site which consist of row apartment buildings (4-6 floors), I decided that it is more appropriate to have the mass divided into pieces to simulate the existing built environment on one hand, and to strengthen the urban visual connection for the neighbouring community on other hand as an urban contribution. 
The masses were divided into eight pieces Five of them make up the dormitory and its facilities, one is multipurpose hall and a car parking, one is café and administration and the last one is a public library. The spaces in between these block will be accessible to the public to walk them from the street to reach the library or to access other parts of the neighborhood. Two pedestrian stairs connect the site with Tesvikiye Ihlamur street on the northern side of the site as a shortcut. A green roof is provided for the to simulate the greenery of the context for the users. This is achieved by means of having different blocks and paths throughout the design. the dormitory is neither extroverted nor introverted, rather, aiming to achieve balance between the inner and the outer. The design aims to establish a relation with the squatter settlement on the western side and have them be acknowledged as a part of the urban scheme by decidedly leaving a void at the edge of the site between the two opposing blocks. Taking what once was an undefined land forming a barrier between them and the city and turning it into a link. Bare concrete, aluminium, glass, and wood are the material used in the project.
Dormitory In Besiktas