Thinking With My Gut

Do I love drawing? I certainly do! I think most creatives can most likely say (including myself) that they had a period as a child where they just draw from their imagination or something they're obsessed about that blossomed into the pursuit of the arts.

I enjoy participating in monthly prompts like Inktober every year to practice quick sketching to improve what I call "rapid visualization" - to think on my feet creatively, quick problem solve, and exercise in following my gut feeling. 

I set myself less than an hour to find references and draw the prompt as quickly as possible, and stop completely if I run out of time.

The intention for this series is purely for my own self-development, overcome perfectionism, showing vulnerability, and focusing on the prompt idea itself.

Please see some of them below - I'll most likely transform some of these into a hi-res illustration down the road. Can you guess which prompt is for which? I posted the list just for fun.
Inktober 2020

Inktober 2020
