
The typography in the mood board expresses the appeal of authentic with the flare of American cultural. The type font needed to have the appearance of Japanese writing but also contain the design look of American writing. During the choosing of the font, there were many
choose from like fonts designed to represent bamboo to the American boxed letters. The font chosen was Sudoku Italic for it had the curves to represent Japanese writing with the box letter look of American.


This was a bit hard due to how Japanese culture is based around nature and is in all of their designs. In Traditional Japanese interiors as well as modern, they incorporate many natural materials such as fine woods, bamboo, silk, rice straw mats, and paper shoji screens. The textures in these natural materials very in color, look, and feel of the establishments throughout Japan.


            This area provided a bit more of a challenge due to the different styles used in Japan then America. While Japanese culture uses natural colors in their designs, American Designs use bright colors to represent ideas. The idea in the mood board was to bring together both natural colors and bright to represent the authentic Japanese food with the American culture of celebration and ideas. 

            While researching into Sushi and its history, Sushi has developed into a fast finger food from its traditional sit-down relaxing food. There are many differences between Japanese and American culture that have to be look at before designing can proceed. The total idea behind the mood board is to show the Japanese culture combined with American to give the excitement of both cultures at one time. Bringing together both bright, natural colors along with texture will give each consumer of a home away from no matter where your from.


         There was a lot of connections made it the process of brand indentity between colors, designing the logo and how to get the intended message to an audiences.  There was a lot to learn throughout this course and the assignments were helpful in teaching how the different ways to do the design work. During the first week I learned how  Research is helpful and its importance to doing designing. Secondary research is another tool used to gain insight to branding by giving information on an area, product or service that needs to have a rebranding or new start out branding. The following work I came to determine the Differentiation between the area I choose and the surrounding areas or areas that were close to the same style.  This was a very hard section of class that really pushed me to the limit. It was not as hard as I had made it out to be but once I researched the word and other sites to help me understand how it works. There was not just one problem I had to solve but multi ones that took researching to solve. My first problem came with the challenge that needed me to view YouTube videos that showed different methods of designing.  Another problem solving I had to do was research more into what I wanted my design challenge to project and what message I wish to convey to the public. 
To be truthfully honest my work was average in the sense of innovative thinking for I used the same style as before but only used one new design to the design challenge. In time and with more practice, I shall get better and learn more of the programs than I have learned now. To show more innovative thinking I will need to research more into motion graphics by tutorials, seminars and other ways that promote understanding

Settle and Alreck’s Shopping List

Achievement        A. New and Different                       B. 
Independence      A. Customer Input                           B. Variety of Different Prepared Food
Exhibition             A. Weekend Events                         B. Giving of Time/Service for Special Events
Recognition         A. Giving Help To Public                  B. Provide for Special                                                                     
Dominance          A. Maintain Supior Food/Service.    B. Problem Solving
Affiliation              A. Helping With Homeless               B. Get Involved In City Functions
Nurturance           A. Polit/respectful Atmosphere        B. Calm/Courtesy Staff
Succorance          A. Receiving Input                           B. Interaction with other Businesses
Sexuality.             A. A Go To Date Location                 B. Nighttime Actives
Stimulation          A. Different Sushi Prepared              B. Different Entertainment
Diversion             A. Comfort Food                               B. Relaxing Atmosphere
                            C. Get Away Location
Novelty                A. Experienced Wait Staff                B. Professional Cooks
                            C. Ability to Watch Food Cooked.    B. Interaction with Staff/Cooks
Understanding.    A. Listening to Customers               B. Research/Look in Community
Consistency         A. Proper Staffing                            B. Extra Products
                            C. Cleanliness of Restaurant
Security               A. Be Check on by Local Police      B. Security for Major Functions
                            B. Well Lit Lighting on Patio

Gender                       Males  52%                Females    48%
Age                 :          Average Age   29
Location         :           Historic Distract         Milwaukee River        Lake Michigan
Mobility         :            Cars
Income           :          $ 58,000          Medium Income
Expenditures :           Renters                       34%
Occupations  :           White Collar                59%
Education      :           Bachelor’s Degree      32%
                                  Some College             12%
Nationality     :           US Born Citizen           88%
                                  White                           77%
                                  African American        09%
                                  Hispanic                      05%
Religion          :          Catholic                       22%
                                  Lutheran                      08%
                                  Christian Faith             05%
                                  Baptist                         04%
Family Size    :          Family Household      
                                  Without Children         33%

During my research, I went to many different sites with images of different looks that I 
could use in my logo. I went to sites with Japanese art, Japanese items along with looking
up things om East Side Milwaukee. Finding things that could be used in logo to represent  Boxpark Sushi and at same time help in making Boxpark Sushi different then others. In 
Live Session One, Mr. Argo (June 6, 2020) stated, “using the same symbols that are in logos is a cliché that should not be done but look to other areas to find your design.”

Some of the ways I encountered difficulties were in staying away from symbols or items
used most of. As mentioned in live session 1, “using the same item as in chopsticks and 
fish.” This was a problem a bit because, first, using chopsticks in designing would be 
easy plus using fish have been used a lot. My other problem was finding or thinking of
a design that represents sushi without using chopsticks and fishs.

The logos I have designed are meant to represent warmth, togetherness and the bringing
of two cultures together as one. They are simple logos but with meaning to each. I want  
to stay away from the normal type of logos that used chopsticks or fish. My logos I 
sketched use things that don’t exactly represent sushi but represent what the restaurant 
stands for and believes in.

The ways my designs are unique are that they don’t match other logos. The logos sketched are a combination of different symbols and designs to show a bringing together of two cultures into one. While researching into different logos, the designs I sketched have no others in the area of interest. East Side Milwaukee has many different restaurants with logos that are different yet have the same type of feel in the message it gives. 

Box Park Sushi’s main problems were who the audiences will be, the competitors around the location and how to make Boxpark different from the others. One step to acknowledging who the targeted audience maybe is creating a creative brief which involves researching into location, people, age groups and even income and race. While becoming a Graphic Designer has its many hurdles and problems in the world of advertisement, one of the biggest problem a graphic designer will be facing is how to design a new brand identity for a company or service, is creating a voice and tone that makes the overall brand stand out for the client the design is developed for. As for Box Park Sushi to get its brand identity to its target audience, there came innovative thinking in ways to do this. Questions raised as to marketing outlooks as to, website design and/or other types of advertisement. Throughout the designing process for Boxpark Sushi, from logo to voice and tone was essential to innovative thinking because it managed to keep throughout the process of designing.


