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Mentawai Culture Preservation Book

Undergraduate final project (2019) *click the picture for full page in bahasa
The design of the Mentawai Cultural Preservation Book is a solution to the Mentawai culture meet its gloryness that was previously disconnected from Mentawai youth. Nowadays, books are the closest media to Mentawai youth, so the book design contains information, illustrations, and interactive methods about Mentawai culture. Book design is based on the concepts of 'adventurous' and 'manifestation'. The concept departs from the foundation of the overall manifestation of Mentawai culture (objects, dances, social arrangements, etc.), namely 'Adat Foliage', a traditional Mentawai belief that believes in the power of natural spirits.
The book is divided into 5 books, so each book will not be too thick and is easy to carry to class or other places since the youths of Mentawai are more kinetics in learning. also, a book series have more adventurous vibe than a stand-alone. there is a feel of continuity while learning about Mentawai original culture, arat sabulungan.
Each chapter page contains interactive page that can be opened by the youths of Mentawai. Readers, in this case means the teenagers of Mentawai, can review the information they learned from the book in a game. the games is designed to be suitable for readers’ age range, thus the games are mostly consisted of reorganize words, crosswords, etc.
The book uses a multi column grid to produce a more flexible arrangement of design elements, creating more suitable design for each keyword. Each title on the content page uses the Modern Antiqua font type that adopts Roman square capitals form to illustrate the ancient and spirituality aspects of Mentawai culture. Body text uses the Nunito font type to increase easy-to-read experience and does not have any rigidity in it.
The last page of the book, readers are allowed to freely express their creativities on Mentawai culture through stickers that can be used to decorate the front cover of the book and postcards from the book. A postcard will be a free merchandise that can be received with each purchase of a book (there 5 books in total).
There is also lenticular bookmark as another free merchandise that also can be received (along with the postcard mentioned above) with each purchase of a book from the series.The making of lenticular design implements a kind of exploration, symbolize movements and change that can be found within the word “adventurous”. Lenticular can also represent the adaptivity of the word “manifestation”, symbolizes the ever-changing culture that can never remain static but still be able to retain its own identity. *Human potrait's rights reserved by Mohd Irman Ismail.
Each book in the series will contain its very own bookmark. The design on each bookmark will be similar with the postcard attached to the book. *Human potrait's rights reserved by Joey L (1,2,5), Human potrait's rights reserved by Mohd Irman Ismail (4), 
Finally, with each purchase of the whole series (5 books), buyers will get a free totebag, 2 notebooks, and  10 wood pins. While with every purchase of 2 books, buyers will get 1 notebook and 5 pins as free merchandises. 
Mentawai Culture Preservation Book


Mentawai Culture Preservation Book
