Desrie Araceli Ciprianne O’leskin's profile

Lending Hands - Action Research Studio Project

ACTION RESEARCH STUDIO - Social Change Through Creative Practice
Action Research Studio is a course that implements assessments that challenge current skills, abilities, and knowledge.
Before I started to do Academical research I created a brainstorm based off prior knowledge and understanding of the theme Kindness. I started branching out to how kindness is defined, described, seen, and used throughout current society. From those I tried to find links or possible out liners that could kick start which path in relation to Kindness, and social design I would prefer to follow through with. 
Researching the Kindness in relation to Social Design.

I started researching the topic Kindness in relation to a topic I felt strongly about, Mental Health. The following were Academic Articles I found in relation to the word searching of Kindness, Social Design and Mental Health. 

CITATION: Finlay-Jones AL, Rees CS, Kane RT(2015) Self-Compassion, Emotion Regulation and Stress among Australian Psychologists: Testing an Emotion Regulation Model of Self-Compassion Using Structural Equation Modeling. PLoSONE10(7): e0133481.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133481

Article: Self-Compassion,Emotion Regulation and Stress among Australian Psychologists: Testing an Emotion Regulation Model of Self-Compassion Using Structural Equation Modeling
This article has been created based around the Psychologist reports regarding the rising and recurring levels of occupational stress. The research supporting the hypothesis that these reports could be decreased with the assistance of the SEM. SEM, formally known as 'Structural Equation Modelling' was the main focus of this article. This report was to provide a better understanding about the link between self-compassion and psychologists.\

Article:  Kindness as a Collective Wish to  Co-Design with Communities using Physical Installation
This paper goes into research data that are supported and have ban experimentally proven by a deeply planned social experiment by students from the Eindhoven University of Technology back in 2014. The experiment was to determine how a community would interact and be engaged if the term 'Kindness' was a central value within the experimental interactive activities set for the chosen target or trial community. ​
The experiment and ideology behind this foundation was to question the "abstracts ethical design value, to facilitate emotional and empathized responses with in the community that can be multi-interpretive". The designers used two activities to stimulate the envision and  the interaction of the community in regards to a "collection of kindness".​


What information what put into the individual slides? In more details HERE
Feedback from Assessment 1 Group/Individual Assessment 

The feedback that was received from Assessment 1 was separated in to parts, one for the group presentation and the second for individual presentation. 

Group Feedback:
Annotated bibliography included with inclusion of a range of sources and mostly well formatted. Good use of exemplars to expand your topic. Some sources in the presentation questionable (as Kaecee noted, Buddha is not a peer-reviewed author). Nice use of case studies / exemplars and how they fit within the topic. Good use of images and diagrams. Formatting of slides clean and simple. Hand lettered type a good choice but would have been great with real hand lettered features. The group presentation was organised with a logical flow. The topic was framed well. 

Individual Feedback: 
As mentioned be careful of including quotes with no reference attached to them. You presentation was a bit uneven in that some areas felt very detailed while others felt a bit unfinished. Good to see that you have landed on those three elements to drive your project forward. I feel like the last two ideas could be combined somehow — to have an event-based activity in a purposefully designed space. I like the direction for self-care (concept 2) as this seems to be different to most other campaigns I have seen and will provide more purpose to your space re-design.

IDEATION for...​​​​​​​

- Sketches

- Further research (if it was required), 

- Attempted renders from each site design  (around 2-3 site designs created - required // Floor plan, Some Perspective Renders from each Site Design.) 

Explain my own contribution to the design - what did I add?

- Advertising Brainstorm, Layout Sketches, Trial Attempted Posters

What was submitted for the Hurdle Assessment ? (Screenshots of each Miro Page from Consultation)
Feedback from Hurdle Assessment Group Assessment 

"You presented an interesting premise and great research. You do, however, really need to get moving on your models and outcomes if you want to achieve your goals by week 12. Remember to be specific about which of you did what during your design process, and add some people in your renders for scale. Good work."
- New Brainstorming
- New Sketches
- Further research (if it was required), 
- Attempted renders from New Site design  (Required // Floor plan, Some Perspective Renders from each Site Design.) 
Explain my own contribution to the design - what did I add?​​​​​​​
After hearing the verbal feedback from both David and Kaecee, I went back to the feedback I received from Assessment 1 and found a new point of view as I had forgotten the original concept and everything started to get confusing. Once I read the feedback, I took it into my notes and started branching how I could incorporate it into my new group project. I found a new point of view and was able to get out of my lack of motivation. This point of view gave me a few more ideas on how to approach advertising, how to link the community center (which is the half of the project I am in charge of) to the Mental Health Hospital side and how I could add a few symbols that would have meaning into the interior design concept for the overall scale building. 
Final Assessment Requirements

Video presentation

Each student to submit a 4-minute pre-recorded video presentation.
For groups: you can either have individual videos or a combined effort (4 minutes per student in the group). Important: if you combine your videos you need to be clear about each student’s contribution as you will be marked individually.
Videos to be uploaded to a host of your choice (i.e. YouTube or Vimeo or Stream) and ready to watch by 8am Tuesday 6 October (Week 12).

Link to your video needs to be 'submitted' by each student on Learning@Griffith.
PDF slides of the presentation also needs to be 'submitted' by each student on Learning@Griffith.
Please also have the video links ready to share in the comments on the day (just to make it a smoother process).

Reflective journal

Reflective Journal PDF to be 'submitted' by each student on Learning@Griffith by 8am Tuesday 6 October (Week 12).
For groups: parts of your documentation may include combined effort, or you may submit a combined document, but make sure you are clear about each student’s contribution as you will be marked individually.
Reflective journal to clearly outline these aspects of your project (detailed below):
Final output documentation
Supporting documentation
Impact assessment and/or professional reflection and/or testing

Final output documentation

- This component will be project dependant and therefore differ for each student. For example, if your outcome is a digital app, this may include screenshots, brand identity specifications, wireframe maps, a working prototype URL, a Behance URL, and a video recording of the user experience. 
- If your outcome is an interior fit out, this may include floorplan drawings, drawn and/or computer-generated renders, video fly throughs, material specifications, photos of scale models, and a Behance URL. 
- Important: discuss your intentions with us if you are not sure what to submit for your project.

Supporting documentation

- This should build on the information gathered during the Week 8 hurdle. 
- Clearly outline the context of your work. This should include aspects such as: What issue are you addressing? What questions are you asking? Why? How? Who is it for? What background research led you to this outcome? How have you responded to feedback from tutors and peers?
- Clearly collate the process your project took. This should include aspects such as: brainstorming, sketches, drafts, iterations, working drawings, timelines, production details, production issues, production process documentation, etc.

Impact assessment and/or professional reflection and/or testing

- This should build on the information gathered during the Week 8 hurdle. 
- This component will be project dependant and therefore differ for each student.
- This may take the form of user testing, surveys, written critical reflections, comparison/evaluation of your outcome to original goals, written reflections on how this project developed your perspective as an emerging design practitioner, etc.
- Important: your project may not have been ‘successful’ in achieving your intended goals. If that is the case for you, then make sure you document why you think this is and what you would do differently in the future. 
Lending Hands - Action Research Studio Project

Lending Hands - Action Research Studio Project
