Kelvin Shani's profile

African Fantasy and Science Fiction illustration

Commissioned twitter banner and profile picture art for Africa Fantasy Art twitter account. The client wanted the illustration to explore themes of African literature based on culture and fantasy. I really enjoyed working on this project as there was a lot of creative freedom and we collaborated in exploring ideas and concepts.
Sketch exploration 1
Sketch Exploration 2
Sketch exploration 3 - Sadly, this did not make it in the final composite.
Inked artwork ready for coloring
Complete line-work for the banner. The two sketches were combined to have a long horizontal format and the profile picture would be a crop of the dude reading the book.
Initial color treatment - the client felt that this was too red and requested for more earthly tones and a bit of blue/purple. I added more depth by adding a sky and refined some of the lighting and shadows a bit more.
Final artwork - Detail
Thank you for scrolling!
African Fantasy and Science Fiction illustration


African Fantasy and Science Fiction illustration
