Gloria -'s profile

websites built from scratch: structure, copy, images

All the websites are live and were built using Wordpress - with Elementor Pro and Wix.

There were some basic needs discussed with the clients and I came with proposals for the structure of each of them. 
Menu structure, information on each individual page - writing of copy, from micro copy to full text, or rephrasing/ adapting/ translating of the text from client, proposal and writing of full blog posts on Livit and ByMeClinic.

I made the font choices, primary and secondary + color choices considering the users of each brand/product/service and proposed visuals that were inline with the branding. 

The Swiss Chapter of the global Climate Governance Initiative, launched at the World Economic Forum in 2019, aims to help Board Directors to better understand the Climate Change issues and to equip them with informations and action plans to address these in the Board rooms. 

Part of a global movement started in the UK - all information available was online on 

Requirement - make a website for Switzerland with basic information, highlight the tools developed for everyone, showcase the Swiss team, add links toward UK and select Resources and showcase them in a way that a busy director is able to skim through the information easily and access only what he/she is interested in.

Wordpress - Elementor Pro, constructed each page with no template. 

Font choice - Rubik light

Images choice - images related to climate, nature, living spaces - all having yellow as a main theme. 

Some details:
Did you know section with alarming facts with global impact on homepage, and Swiss impact on About Page

Homepage: the map of the website - Understanding part + Informing and inspiring part - with shortcuts to tools and resources pages + Acting part - takes to events and news.

Directors Climate Journey: animation on impacted sectors to push for discovery, carousel for video materials from Deloitte. 

Join us is a slide in pop up. 

Beauty doctor presentation website on Wix - clinics and clients in Sweden and Romania, focusing on lip enhancement and skin treatments, will add other procedures in time and maybe other doctors. 

Rebranding - logo revamp, fonts and colors, handmade illustrations, image edit, structure and all all the copy.
Menu proposal based on the way clients ask for it - knowing the procedures or only knowing what they want to fix - Fix my Lips/Skin
websites built from scratch: structure, copy, images

websites built from scratch: structure, copy, images
