Friedrich Hölderlin was a German poet who also worked as a translator. 
His transfer of Sophocles' tragedy »Antigone« (1804) and his lyrical epitome of 
letters »Hyperion« ​​(1797/1799), published in two volumes, are based on the 
trends of the time. His works are characterized above all by a pictorial, powerful 
language and a hymnic style – characteristics that can be found in the book design, 
among other things, in the character of the writing. The justification in »Hyperion« 
does not include any indents. A uniform choice of fonts and materials and the 
consistent cover design for both books further support this impression and make 
it clear that the two books belong together as a pair of books.

18 x 25 cm / 23,8 x 33 cm
Linen cover
Kiel, 2016

