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How to start a Community Garden

Community gardens enable neighbors to meet and become friends, they give people access to free fresh food, and they encourage people to get outside and get active. The benefits can extend far beyond the community where the garden exists, as people share food and teach their gardening skills to others. Anyone that wants to start a community garden can use the following tips to make it a reality.

Find the Land
A plot of land for a community garden needs to have an accessible location, plenty of sunlight, and enough space for multiple people to contribute. Clean soil and safe surroundings are also necessary. Look for areas like empty lots and unused parks. Never begin a garden without permission from the landowner, whether it is a municipality or someone else.

Raise Some Funds
Expenses involved with a community garden could include rent for the land, seeds, soil and fertilizer, and yard tools. Gardens that include raised beds will need lumber, hardware, and someone skilled enough to build the foundations. Plan an advertising budget to notify everyone about the opportunity. To raise the money needed, consider state and local grants, donations, and sponsors. Work out a trade with local businesses. Consider asking local grocers to donate seeds or other items in return for a percentage of the produce. Another option is to grow a certain amount to sell at a farmer’s market to help pay for the next growing season...
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How to start a Community Garden

How to start a Community Garden


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