In this project, I am task to create a space for students, staffs and visitors in Republic Polytechnic using community based design approach. I begin by observing the human traffic of the place & dimensions of the site.
Gathering feedback:
Methods: Surveys & participatory activity

Evaluation of idea:
Participants like vending machine, table chairs and big empty space where they can hang out. I design based on their need such as comfort, uses of the place and sociability.

Plan view of site 7, Final rendering using Photoshop on imported AutoCAD wireframe.
Front view of site 7, Final rendering using Photoshop on imported AutoCAD wireframe.
Highlights of the place:
- Big open area with speaker, can house music concert, group games and study area.
- Vending machine provide refreshments which makes the place comfortable 
- Breathable wall to fit into architectural style of Republic Poly which is close to nature.
- Giant chalkboard adds value to everyone who can go there and just draw something.




Creative Fields