Apollo Poetics forms an experimental digital piece focused on the liminal poetics and in-betweeness of historical moments through space-transmitted dialogues between Earth and space terminals. In particular, the artist is interested on the mono no aware feeling; developing a sensitivity across ephemera and transience of things. Text, line and circle form the basic vocabulary to articulate strange romantic yet metamodern feeling; both personal and universal. Psarras elaborates on transmitted words and sounds, which form a melancholic data coming from the past. All start to take shape by soaring within the empty cosmic space and thus becoming a human-text matter derived from the past but looking towards the future.

Digital video, 2D animation, sound, text
Technical: HD video, colour, stereo sound
Duration: 4:35’
Year: 2011

Concept – Creation: Bill Psarras
Sound excerpts: NASA space transmissions (c)

Selected Exhibitions
The work invited to be part of the travelling exhibition MOVE(WITH) OUT across UK, Portugal, Italy, Hungary, Singapore and North Macedonia during 2013-2016. Other exhibitions/screenings include: FONLAND Festival, Miden Festival, Washington Experimental Media 2012 along others (link)

Available Artwork:

Apollo Poetics

Apollo Poetics


Creative Fields